Why You Should Clean Your HVAC System After Structural Damage

Zack Klein • Feb 02, 2022

So, your business or home has recently undergone some reconstruction. While you’re enjoying the end of living or working in a construction zone and the smell of fresh paint, the air conditioning humming away overhead may not even cross your mind, but it should.

Importance of HVAC Cleaning After Construction

Just take a moment to consider the amount of dust and debris that has been swirling around the air in recent weeks. Not all of that settled to later be swept or vacuumed away. Some of it now circulates through your air ducts, impacting the quality of the air you breathe and stressing your HVAC system. If left uncleaned, you will likely begin to experience increased utility bills and the life expectancy of your heating and air conditioning systems will almost certainly take a hit. So, if you want to breathe more easily and save your pocketbook from future strain, HVAC cleaning should be on your short list of to-dos following construction.

DIY HVAC Cleaning Tasks

While a full and proper HVAC cleaning will require the assistance of professionals, there are some immediate steps you can take to help improve your indoor air quality.

  • Clean all surfaces where dust may have collected, including fan blades and air vents
  • Replace air filters, which will help catch particles and prevent them from circulating throughout the system and your structure
  • Check drip pans and drains to ensure no back-ups have occurred

Professional HVAC Cleaning

The true down and dirty work of a thorough HVAC cleaning truly requires the knowledge of a professional. They know precisely which steps to take to ensure every square inch of your system has been covered, as well as signs that a problem may exist. In addition, industrial tools such as HEPA-filtered vacuums make this cleaning far more effective than anything you can do on your own. The focus of the cleaning largely takes parts in two areas:

  • Duct Cleaning – Duct cleaning involves the removal of dust and all forms of debris that have accumulated within the ducts of heating and air conditioning systems. As a result, indoor air quality improves, lingering odors are eradicated, systems run more efficiently, and the risk of mold growth due to accumulated moisture is reduced.
  • Coil Cleaning – Coils are an integral part of any cooling system, but they are another area where dust can reside. As this dust builds, the system can no longer cool as efficiently, air flow can be restricted, and utility bills may increase. Thorough and proper cleaning can address all of these issues.

Covering All the Steps of Reconstruction

When you partner with Guarantee Restoration for your reconstruction project, you can eliminate any concern of lingering issues. Our team of experts takes exceptional care to ensure your home or business is not only fully repaired but that all traces of moisture, dust, and debris are eradicated, including within your air ducts. To learn more or get your reconstruction project started, give us a call today.

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