Battening Down the Hatches: Protecting Against Wind Damage During Hurricane Season

Michael Adkins • Sep 20, 2023

Louisiana's Gulf Coast is no stranger to the wrath of hurricane season. As business owners, safeguarding your commercial property from potential wind damage is not just a precaution – it's a necessity. The ferocity of hurricane winds can wreak havoc on structures, disrupt operations, and incur significant repair costs. In this blog, we'll explore proactive measures that Louisiana commercial properties can take to fortify themselves against wind damage during hurricane season, ensuring business continuity and peace of mind.


1. Strengthen Roofing and Siding

The roof and siding of your commercial property are the first lines of defense against high winds. Ensuring they are structurally sound is paramount. Regular inspections and maintenance are crucial to identify and address any weak points, loose shingles, or deteriorating materials. Reinforce these areas as needed, using hurricane straps, impact-resistant roofing materials, and siding that can withstand wind pressures.


2. Install Impact-Resistant Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are vulnerable points during hurricanes. Installing impact-resistant windows and doors can help minimize damage caused by flying debris and extreme wind pressure. These specialized fixtures are designed to withstand the impact of objects propelled by high winds, reducing the risk of shattered glass and structural breaches.


3. Trim and Prune Trees and Landscaping

Overhanging branches and untrimmed trees can become deadly projectiles during a hurricane. Regularly trim and prune trees to prevent them from falling onto your property or damaging windows and roofs. Proper landscaping practices, such as planting wind-resistant shrubs and trees, can also help reduce wind resistance and potential damage.


4. Secure Loose Items and Outdoor Equipment

Loose items, such as signage, outdoor furniture, and equipment, can become dangerous projectiles when propelled by hurricane-force winds. Secure or store these items indoors before a storm hits. Implement a plan to quickly move larger outdoor equipment to a safe location when a hurricane is approaching.


5. Invest in Storm Shutters or Plywood Panels

Storm shutters and plywood panels are effective barriers against wind and debris. Storm shutters are a more permanent solution and can be easily deployed when needed. Alternatively, pre-cut plywood panels can be quickly affixed to windows and doors before a storm arrives, providing an additional layer of protection.


6. Reinforce Warehouse and Storage Facilities

If your commercial property includes warehouses or storage facilities, reinforce their structural integrity. Consider adding diagonal braces or additional anchoring to strengthen roof trusses and walls. Properly secure inventory and equipment inside the facility to prevent them from becoming projectiles.


7. Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Plan

An effective emergency plan is vital for the safety of employees and the protection of your property. Create a detailed evacuation and shelter-in-place plan, and ensure all employees are familiar with it. Designate responsibilities for hurricane preparedness and assign tasks such as securing the property, shutting down utilities, and safeguarding vital records.


In Louisiana, preparing for hurricane season is not a matter of if, but when. By taking proactive measures to protect your commercial property against wind damage, you're investing in its resilience and ensuring the safety of your employees and assets. From reinforcing roofing and siding to securing loose items and implementing a comprehensive emergency plan, every step you take contributes to the safeguarding of your business during hurricane season. With proper planning and action, you can navigate hurricane season with confidence, knowing that your commercial property is well-prepared to weather the storm.

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